Cracker Night, also known as "Guy Fawkes Night" or "Fireworks Night," is a long-standing tradition that brings communities together to enjoy the excitement of fireworks, bonfires, and festivities under the night sky. It has its origins in England, where it was celebrated as Guy Fawkes Night to mark the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605.

This tradition was brought to Australia by British colonisers in the 19th century and evolved into a widely celebrated event. Originally held on June 30th in Australia, Cracker Night became a beloved annual occasion for families to gather and revel in fireworks and community festivities. Over time, however, it faded in popularity across most parts of the country, though it remains a cherished childhood memory for many Australians.

In Tasmania, the tradition continues to thrive and is celebrated annually on May 24th. Tasmanians come together to enjoy spectacular fireworks displays, roaring bonfires, and joyful gatherings, keeping the magic of Cracker Night alive for generations to come.