- It’s simple!
Fireworks Permit Applications are now OPEN!
1) Carefully review and complete the form—accuracy is key, as incomplete info may result in denial. Don’t worry, WorkSafe will contact you if needed
2) Once complete, submit your form at a Service Tasmania Centre. The final submission date is May 2nd, 2025. Approved permits are usually received within 5-7 business days.
Need help with the form or unsure about anything? We’ve got you covered!
Call | SMS 0429 640 715 | Email sales@bright-star.com.au
REMEBER: Not meeting all requirements doesn’t necessarily mean denial. WorkSafe has streamlined the process, but some changes may occur each year.
HOT TIP: Our Online Shop opens April 1st, so you can order fireworks before your permit is approved. We only require your approved permit on collection day.
If you don’t receive a permit, we can cancel your order—but we recommend applying early to avoid the rush.
Don’t miss out on an unforgettable Cracker Night! Subscribe to our newsletter today!
- You just need to be 18 year old and meet the permit requirements - DOWNLOAD PERMIT APPLCATION NOW to see requirements.
However, if you can't meet all the requirements exactly, that didn’t necessarily mean you wouldn’t get a permit. WorkSafe can be flexible
REMEMBER: If you aren't sure call | SMS 0429640715 | Email (sales@bright-star.com.au) today and we can help! or contact Worksafe as below
- Yes, you just need to nominate and use another property with consent from the landowner.
Some areas were considered more "restricted," but permits could still potentially be granted. This usually related to distance requirements from buildings, property, animals, livestock, etc., and meant there were additional factors to consider for that location. Contact and get clarification by WorkSafe
- The 2025 Type 2 fireworks permit cost is $93.50
We do nt agree with this but its a small cost to be able to access and use fireworks in Tasmania as we are one of the only states now allowed to have this privilege.
So Bright Star Fireworks Australia proudly gives you back the cost of your permit in fireworks value when you shop with us.
*This year's FREE PACK is worth $100.00!
Did you know that Tasmania is the only state in Australia where you can buy and safely use rockets and roman candles for your Cracker Night celebrations?!
- Great question and yes, absolutely! You can combine the land to increase distances needed all you need is to get their permission and you meet all other requirements
– No, you need a permit for ALL fireworks.
- Sorry, no we dont.
- Unfortunately we can't. A fireworks permit requires notification 7 days prior to your display to the following persons:
- Your local council
- All adjoining properties of your display address
- Other notification requirements may be imposed on your permit, this will be discussed with you during the application process.
You can download our notification template HERE to assist you in notifying your neighbors.
- Yes, they will and it will be considered on its own merits. Most importantly, you need to get consent from the property occupier for anywhere with privately owned horses, livestock commerical livestock or boarding kennels, or a sanctuary or conservation area, such as Bonorong Wildlife Service, Tasmania Zoo and Trowunna Wildlife Park. Do this before submitting your application.
For 1 km from any reserved land,, permanent timber production zone land, then you only need to notify them by email
Proximity to commercial businesses
Requirement: Min distance – 1 km of any commercial livestock, commercial boarding kennels, or a commercial horse/equestrian business
For a fireworks firing point within 1 km from any commercial livestock, commercial boarding kennels, or a commercial horse/equestrian business you will need to obtain consent from the property owner or occupier before submitting your permit application
If you are unable to gain consent, then it is highly unlikely your application will be approved.
Proximity to wildlife conservation areas
Requirement: Min distance - 3 km from wildlife park boundaries
Wildlife parks rarely grant consent for a fireworks display close to their boundaries as they need to protect the wildlife within the park.
Similar to horse owners, they are concerned about the distress fireworks cause animals. However, with significantly more animals within a wildlife park and limited staffing to manage them, parks cannot handle the widespread panic caused by fireworks. If you live within 3 km of a wildlife park, it is highly unlikely your fireworks application will be approved.
Proximity to animals (privately owned livestock and horses)
Requirement: Min distance - 500 m from a privately owned horses or livestock
It is essential to identify any properties within 500 m of your fireworks firing point that have privately owned horses or livestock. You will need to consult with and obtain consent from the occupants of these properties or owners before submitting your permit application. It is a good idea to have a conversation with these landowners in the planning stages and make sure that the firing point that you have identified is able to satisfy the distance. It is always good to talk to the people that may be impacted by your fireworks display.
The proximity of animals to a fireworks display is a common reason for declining applications or cancelling permits. Every year, Worksafe Tasmania receives numerous complaints from horse owners regarding the potential impact of fireworks on their animals. Horses often panic at the sight and sound of fireworks, leading them to run into the dark, which can result in injuries to both the horses and their owners as they attempt to manage and calm the frightened animals
Depending on your location and firing site, some further requirements may be added to your permit - such as extra precautions in regard to fire prevention, monitoring winds conditions, fireworks as far away as possible from the forest, fire extinguishing equipment, etc.
REMEMBER: If you can’t satisfy all requirements, that doesn’t necessarily mean you will not get a permit. Call / SMS 0429640715 or email sales@bright-star.com.au today and we can help! or contact Worksafe direct
- Yes, but it depends and isconsidered on its own merits. You will need to consult with and obtain consent from the occupants of these properties before submitting your permit application
See above FAQ
It is a good idea to have a conversation with the property ocupiers in the planning stages and to make them aware, get their consent or come to an arrangement that satifies all. It is always good to talk to the people that may be impacted by your fireworks display.
Keep a note of the person(s) who you spoke to and the date and time OR get something in writing from them such as email or text message sent to you
REMEMBER:Call / SMS 0429640715 or email sales@bright-star.com.au today and we can help!
- Yes, absolutely you can! You do not need to be a resident of Tasmania or own property in Tasmania to get a permit
Lots of people every year from the mainland come down to Tasmania for Cracker Night to experience the fun. All you need is to:
Know someone or a friend who owns property, use their land, and get their consent
Or get consent from the landowner (much harder if you do not know them)
NOTE: you cannot let off fireworks in a public areas or property. Only on private property (either owned by individual or a company)
- Yes there is! Read the permit application and note your concerns.
Then simply Call / SMS 0429640715 or email sales@bright-star.com.au and we can help! If we don’t have the answer we may direct you to contact WorkSafe
Read our FAQS and refer to the Worksafe guidelines page
Contact Worksafe on 1300 366 322 – this is the main helpline but make sure you specifically ask to speak to an inspector who handles fireworks applications.
Or email Worksafe WST.Licensing@justice.tas.gov.au
*We recommend contacting us first for an answer to see if we can save you time and hassle.
- A fireworks permit ‘may not be granted’ where the proposed display site is:
Located in Acton Park, Allens Rivulet, Carlton, Devon Hills, Dodges Ferry, Orielton, Roches Beach, Spreyton or Sandford
Within 500 m from privately owned horses - unless property occupiers are aware of and agreeable to the display being held
Within 1 km of a commercial boarding kennel or commercial horse business
Within 3 km of a sanctuary or conservation area, such as Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary, Tasmania Zoo, and Trowunna Wildlife Park
Due to the nature of these areas, proximity to airports, the lack of space, presence of animals listed above, etc – they are considered ‘sensitive areas’ and will require further assessment and investigation into your proposed fireworks location.
See previous FAQ's - but basically need to consent from property occupier prior to your submission.
Or call / SMS 0429640715 or email sales@bright-star.com.au and let us know. We can help and know what to do!
- Yes you can.
*We recommend contacting us first for some advice and to see if we can save you time and hassle.
Contact WorkSafe on 1300 366 322 or email wst.fireworks@justice.tas.gov.au and WST.Licensing@justice.tas.gov.au
NOTE: You will get through to a general helpline but if you do not get the answer or support you need, request to speak directly to an inspector who handles fireworks applications.